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Join CAEN India’s Inaugural Online School on Waveform Digitizers. We are delighted to announce our first-ever online school dedicated to waveform digitizers, brought to you by CAEN India.

This unique opportunity caters to a diverse audience, ranging from university students and doctoral candidates to aspiring researchers and seasoned scientists across India. Regardless of your expertise level, whether you’re delving into CAEN digitizers for the first time or seeking to enhance your existing knowledge, this school is tailored just for you.

Spanning approximately 2 hours, the event will be led by Massimo Venaruzzo (Director of CAEN India) and Carlo Tintori (CTO of CAEN), in collaboration with CAEN India’s local team.

Our engaging program will feature insightful presentations unraveling the transition from analog to digital in physics experiments, focusing on CAEN digitizers. We will delve into the intricate world of embedded signal processing algorithms, complemented by live demonstrations and interactive Q&A sessions.

We invite all enthusiasts to complete the registration form and embark on this enlightening educational journey with us. Help us spread the word and together, let’s make this event a resounding success!

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